The Quick Develop panel is an excellent way to make relative changes to large numbers of images. For example, lets assume that yesterday you retouched a series of images in the Develop module – making slight changes to each image’s exposure. Today however, you are finding that they are all about +1/3 of a stop too dark (perhaps you were tired when editing or had too much coffee or whatever). If you were to add +1/3 of a stop to one of the images in the Develop Module (that perhaps you had already increased by 1/2 stop ( or +.5) yesterday) the Exposure slider would read +.83 (.5 + .33 = .83). Using the Sync command in the Develop Module to apply that change to other selected images, will NOT add +1/3 (.33) of a stop to each already manipulated image – instead it will change all of the other image’s exposure value to the same exposure value of the image being “Synced” from (+.83). If on the other hand, you have that same series of images with individually corrected exposure values, and in Quick Develop you clicked on the single arrow next to exposure (to add 1/3 of a stop), Lightroom would add +.33 to all images. Secret power!
And here is a video demonstrating this.
The Secret Power of the Quick Develop Module in Lightroom CC